May 7, 2024
August 2, 2024
Surfcasting: towards the 2024 world championships
We met Gianluca Lenzi, member of the national team that will participate in the 2024 surfcasting world championships in Peniscola (Spain) from 16 to 23 November
We asked him to tell us how his passion for fishing and surfcasting competitions was born, which led him to be part of the blue team in several editions (you will soon find the clips on our social networks) but also, in this first interview, to provide us with his point of view on the differences that exist when tackling sport fishing in a competitive manner.
An opportunity to follow more closely the vision of a competitive fisherman and to find out how to prepare for an important competition like the World Cup.
In the world of sport fishing, there are substantial differences between the approach of a competitive fisherman and that of an amateur fisherman.
Gianluca Lenzi, member of the Italian national surfcasting team, tells us about his experiences and reveals the secrets that make a competition fisherman different from an ordinary enthusiast.
We asked Gianluca to tell us what in his opinion is the main difference between non-competitive sport fishing and that done in competitions.
"The main difference lies in the mentality. In a race, the ability to quickly change strategy is fundamental. < span style="font-weight: 400;">competition requires constant adaptability and a certain eclecticism.
A competitive fisherman must be always ready to try something new to improve results, while an amateur fisherman may be more reluctant to change technique or equipment."
"Reading the sea is also a crucial aspect as during competitions, it is not possible to choose one's place. Participants are assigned to specific sectors, and the ability to correctly interpret the conditions marine is crucial to success.
If you get the interpretation wrong, the chances of having a good race decrease drastically."
The Asso Fishing Line lines most used by Gianluca Lenzi
The choice for surfcasting competitions

Tapered Line
Multicolored conical shock leader, ultra smooth and tenacious.

New Micron 3
Fluorocarbon coated for competitions, also available in ultra-fine sizes
In competition, the choice of bait is often limited. Usually the arenicola is the most used bait because it attracts a wide range of fish of different species and sizes. However, it is not selective, which means it may attract small fish that damage the bait without getting hooked. The use of the korean, a worm that stays alive and moves a lot, is preferred for fishing for predators such as bass and bream.
In general, it always takes a lot of adaptability and mental elasticity because in any condition, a fisherman must be able to quickly adapt to the scenario fishing. I think that in reality, this attitude not only improves performance in competitions, but I believe it can also enrich the experiences of fishing for pleasure.